How Successfully Buy a Home in when there are competing Buyers

If you are going to buy a nice home, a well priced home or even a  fixer upper and beat out all the other motivated buyers you may have to call the listing agent yourself and work with that listing agent directly so that you can be the winning buyer.

In many cases a buyer working with a buyer's agent is going to have to settle for a less desirable home and probably having to overpay for that home.


We suggest you do what professional agents do and smart homebuyers and set their strategy after calling the listing agent first. 


The Best Way to Buy a Home 


1. As soon as you become aware that a home in your target area and price range becomes available prep your initial phone call script... so you are ready to show you are the type of buyer... a listing agent would choose for the seller.    This is script is designed to develop a bit of rapport with the listing agent and show you are the kind of buyer who will close if you make an...

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